
Sabtu, 21 September 2013

Cyber ​​Sex Make Love Younger

a popular activity by chat ( internet chat ) is now commonplace if continues to talk about sex ( cyber sex ) . So eventually arise pros and cons are saying that such activities are also a form of cheating trends millennium .
The extent to which this affair disrupt social relations of husband and wife . And what should be done by couples if one spouse know turns hobby affair in cyberspace . As the pair wise , do not make conclusions before knowing for sure .
According to doctors psychiatrists , the tendency of people to find a partner and communicate via the Internet is a natural thing . " This is a consequence of technological advances . Basically it's human beings who love to learn . The presence of the Internet has spurred people to act in a more advanced , "explains Dr Wiwie Nasrun of Psychiatry Faculty UI .
Further Wiwie said , as far as not disturb marital life partner , sex talk chat don'ts home through the netter behavior does not change with the couple. And this is also not a form of psychiatric disorder in sexual terms .
Indeed, in some cases as claimed by some couples there are complaints that interfere with the enjoyment of marital sex . Could be due to the influence of imagination that already mayanya float against the couple . Or indeed one of the pair is bored with married life that they are going through .
Just as cheating can happen to couples young and old , can melenakan cyber sex marriage if the couple is not resolved . For example , the husband over his new hobby fun than to have sex with his wife . Preoccupation with finding new reasons that are not derived from the wife or husband .
Silvie ( not her real name ), for example , claimed that her husband was upset with recent behavioral rather than chatting with another woman making out with him .
" I know he's just for fun , but gradually more and enjoy . Sometimes if I forget time chatting late into the night . Frankly though at first it was just a distraction for him but also interfere with real life . "
After learning new habits of the husband who likes long hours spent in front of computer screens , Silvie discussions to find a way out . Finally they decided to make a schedule Hatting only on weekends .
" I can come to enjoy it . Sometimes we open a website for adults and fun together . After that practice the new knowledge while learning together . So we are always full of new ideas , "said Silvie .
Marriage does need a refresher here and there. As a creature of rapid change, people often try new discoveries that interest him . In this case the Internet can be a dangerous opiate marriage .
Let alone a married , often unmarried bandwagon do cyber sex . The reason is because instead of having sex with people who do not clear their health status as well as to suppress the usual masturbation unmarried people .

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