
Kamis, 26 September 2013

True Love Is he you?

When the time comes you as a woman , no longer looking for a date , but soul mates . And , indeed easy bother determining the spouse is your true love . Did you know the difference between a spouse ( man ) who can take doi dating and with whom to marry ? Turns spouse with whom to date , giving the good times , but the spouse with whom to marry will provide a wonderful life for you .
Want to know the characteristics of each ? Doi who can be married , usually shy in the beginning of the process of dating , even sometimes not menarik.Tapi spouse who just started with no rush will undergo the process well and with a happy ending .

In searching for a mate , which should be done first and most basic is to build friendships first. And , to find true love , you just look for the best friend , not a lover accomplished . Couples who have been married a long time usually say : " My partner is the best friend " .

Doi friend who will be someone that you are physically and psychologically appeals to you . For that , you should : Make friends first . Do not be dazzled by the appearance spouse .

Before finding your lovely heart as a partner with true love , you would pass through several processes . Dating is a process of finding out what is really desired . Take advantage of the opportunity that is fine because you have to couple that is looking for couples to get married instead of just going out .

Remember the fundamental differences in the spouse who can marry whom and with whom to date . Consider the following carefully so that you do not glare in front of a spouse :

Usually the spouse who can be good at seducing a date , but was unable to sustain a relationship .

Do not get stuck with a romantic illusion .

Be careful with the spouse who normally just have fun giving flowers , candy or attention but can not provide support while you go through tough times .

Meanwhile, the spouse who wanted to have marry your love as a whole , not just the fine . Look for a spouse who can provide a sense of emotional safety .
Another thing you need to know is :

Define boundaries in touch . And you immediately characterize the doi doi because there are some who can not take seriously . Usually they have a tendency not loyal and always looking for the " more " again , like the phrase "the grass is greener " If the spouse is gone with you always glance at another woman , do not try to establish a relationship with him . Except , in certain moments he wants to make you jealous .

Determine the limit , do not let other people repeatedly hurt you . If it happens and you do not say anything , is tantamount to " treat you as good as he can stomach ."

Write down the qualities required of a man for example , if you need someone who is really sensitive and can talk to , and do not dwell on the boned doi handsome but taciturn .

Do not waste time dating a spouse who basically will not make you happy . If you know what is needed ( not just wanted ) and know what can make you happy , you will be able to recognize the spouse as to show the quality of itself , not just from their appearance alone .

Do not be afraid to ask .

If there is doi who promised to call you but do not do it , you are entitled to ask why . Women often make erroneous conclusions about this . Men and women are different , they do something with the reasons and different motivations .

Do not be too prejudiced and think too much or are not - not .

Should ask for clarification or explanations directly from the spouse and the spouse just assume your auto repair mechanic .

And , understand first, dating is a process as well as weddings .
Do not ever blame yourself , but to learn from previous mistakes or failures . Remember , do err is human , but if you do it continuously, it is a folly .

You also need to be yourself ( be yuorself ) . Do not " pretend " to touch , it's useless and there will be no result.
There are four main qualities of a person , whether man or woman , who can make others interested in the org Authentic ( original ) , trustworthy , genuine ( genuine / diligent ) , consistent .

Men and women are to be believed , always be honest and be themselves , will be able to enjoy life and finally find true love ! Have you ever experienced it as above ? If not , take immediate decisions and determine your attitude toward spouse after reading this article . You agree not ?

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