
Kamis, 26 September 2013

Identify Interacting Ethics in the Office


Etiquette , derived from the French meaning of the word etiquette procedures for good relationships between human beings . Etiquette can be different , even opposite change in one place to another place . Therefore , we must learn , respect and adjust to etiquette in force in any place and with anyone guess is we are dealing .
As a professional , ideally etiquette is a part of you . It can be learned and is not hard to do . The main principle is , treat others as you want to be treated . Be wise and humble in interacting with anyone , from any position level .

Treat every person with good manners and with tenderness . In formal and informal situations , place yourself appropriately . How the application of ethics in the office . Here you see the suggestions ethicist , Mien Uno :

Superior-subordinate attitude , the principle is to be an example and treat subordinates as part of your work team , including even the lowest level employees . Surely , in the strategic decision-making , then the extent of middle or upper -level employees who are involved .

Attitude of employees , the principle is mutual respect , support and work for the benefit of the organization .

Attitudes employee - organization , the principle is a commitment and responsibility to the duties entrusted to him .

Whatever your position , the interaction must be objective . This will reinforce your professionalism and minimize the possible interpretations of discrimination or harassment on the behavior or your actions .

Understand the rules , customs and values ​​of your organization . Familiarize yourself acting and behaving that refer to such provisions .

If you find an error , and others, use assertive speech when you say it. First pointed out the positive side of the work or the opinion of the person, only then submit your corrections and suggestions .

It would be better if notified in four eyes . If not possible , for example when speaking at the seminar , submit in writing a piece of paper . This would avoid the question of shame , humiliation or patronized .

Always control your emotions and actions , in the face of unpleasant situations or dealing with people who misbehave. Instill in you that you are mastering your emotions and feelings , rather than vice versa .

Other things that need attention are the cross culture . If you are working in foreign countries , or a multinational organization with expatriates , learn and adjust yourself to the local etiquette . Prepare yourself by understanding the Dos and DON'Ts about the interaction you will do . This minimizes the occurrence of culture shock , awkwardness even embarrass you or others .
Well , tagged in an interaction can help you be more respected , more confident , and foster harmonious relations and cooperation with other office employees . Interested to try it . The above tips are very interesting for you ! Success to you !

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