
Selasa, 24 September 2013

Effective leaders are good listeners

To make the other person feel important , as a leader you do have to listen to your subordinates well . Heard in earnest is a way to show your appreciation to someone or team . It also shows you believe that he had thought was valuable and important member of your team . By the time a person feels necessary , at that moment, he would pay attention to his work .Listening carefully it shows that a humble leader . It shows that he is not too proud or too busy , or just listening to yourself without ever listening to ideas or opinions of others.

A problem can often be resolved before emerging to the surface . Do not rely on someone else to get the latest information , from the first look . A leader will be vulnerable if there are moral issues that arise and do not know the truth. To correct errors early, from the first listen .Important in fostering the habit of listening is to concentrate totally on what other people say .Leaders are trained to describe the thoughts and ideas of the team , though for the bad news , will get real information .Well , as a leader if you want to be a good listener , the following tips given Bill Newman , author of " The Ten Laws of Leadership " follows :
Make inquiries.Keep eye contact .Make a note .Turn off the phone so as not to disturb .Do not just listen to the words , learn the body language , facial expressions , and tone of voice .Wait until you really understand what was said before giving an answer.Do not immediately make the conclusion .Listen to everyone, not just listen to people you like or respect .Give them a chance to pull out his feelings even if you disagree with the opinion. Let the man speak so feel better .Let people easily find you .Well , remember when your team or organization no longer believe that their leaders are no longer listening to them , then they will find someone else instead . Wow .. tuh dangerous . What about those of you who happen to currently serves as head . Have you been practicing ? If not, start by using the tips in the article above . You agree ? Hopefully !

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